



Born in Seoul. Studied photography at Icart photo (l’école de photographie de Paris) in France.
Based in Tokyo since 1991. Her work is often inspired by philosophy, thought, and religion.
A part time lecturer in the arts and crafts department at Nagaoka Institute of Design 2015-2023.

Selected Exhibitions
-KUU, FUGENSHA, Tokyo (Solo)
-Céleste (KUU),  Anne Clergue Galerie, Arles, France (Solo)

-Memories are like Dreams, gallery kobun, Tokyo (Solo)
-I and Thou, Totem Pole Photo Gallery, Tokyo (Solo)
-Truth is One, Place M, Tokyo (Solo)

-Truth is One, Myoukouji Temple, Niigata, Japan (Solo)
-Truth is One, Niigata-Eya, Niigata, Japan (Two person)
-Truth is One, Sakyukan, Niigata, Japan (Solo)

-Dol / Dang, G&S NEU, Osaka (Solo)
-I and Thou, Photography Festival – Promenades Photographiques, Vendôme. France

-Yomogi soshi – who might you be?, Roonee Recomend wall, Tokyo
-I and Thou, Gallery mu-an, Nagaoka, Japan (Solo)
-Gelatin Silver Print, Space 22, Seoul
-Art Festival Regards d’ailleurs, la Chapelle de l’Hôtel-Dieu, curated by Nathalie Gallon, Dreux, France

-I and Thou, Anne Clergue Galerie, Arles, France (Solo)
-I and Thou, Salon du Panthéon, curated by Nathalie Gallon, Paris (Solo)
-Alone Together, Gallery Niigata-Eya, Niigata, Japan (Solo)
-Yomogi soshi – who might you be”, Gallery mu-an, Nagaoka, Japan (Solo)

-Alone Together, Space 22, Seoul (Solo)
-Ephémérides Coréennes, as part of the Festival Photo Saint-Germain, curated by Nathalie Gallon, Paris
-the Grand Prize Winners of ShaShin Book Award in Paris, tokyo arts gallery, Tokyo

-Photo Off, La Bellevilloise, curated by in)(between art gallery, Paris

-Alone and Together, Gallery Tosei, Tokyo (Solo)

-Real life, MORIOKASHOTEN, Tokyo (Solo)

-I saw you there, Adan Ohana Gallery, Tokyo (Solo)

-The beauty of middle-age, foo, Tokyo (Solo)
-At the moment of two years old, Crayon house, Tokyo (Solo)

-At the age of two, Lifestyle Design Center, Curated by P3 art and environment, Tokyo (Solo)

-I was born, Seoul Paris Tokyo, Gallery Koubun, Tokyo (Solo)

-EXISTENCE, Gallery Tomos, Tokyo (Solo)
-EXISTENCE – Erigeron canadensis, Gallery Mole, Tokyo (Solo)

Kiokunohotori (Memories are like dreams), essays & photographs, Shohakusya Publishing co., Japan, 2022
Alone Together
, photobook, Noonbit photographer collection 042, Korea, 2017
I and Thou, Handmade artist book, limited edition 72, 2015

Yomogi soshi –who might you be?, photobook, Madosha, Japan, 2014
Alone Together, photobook, kaya books, Japan, 2014
Tsuki Taiyo Si Yasai (moon, sun, poem and vegetable), novel, Kadokawa Haruki Cor., Japan, 2006
Kurage, a short story in Anthology, Kadokawa Haruki Cor., Japan, 2006
LOVE LAND, poems & photographs, PHP Inc, Japan, 2004
Imacoconiiruyo (I am here now), essays & photographs, KAISEI-SHA, Japan, 2002
I was born, essays & photographs, Shohakusya Publishing co., Japan, 2001

Book Award 
 I and Thou 
  – Steidl Book Award Japan, shortlisted, 2016 
  – Kassel dummy award, shortlisted, 2016 
  – Unseen Dummy Award, shortlisted, 2015 
  – Self Publishing PHOTOLUX Award, shortlisted, 2015 

Alone Together
  – Shashin Book Award , Winner, 2014 



韓国ソウル生まれ。パリ写真学校 ICART PHOTOで写真を学ぶ。1991年より東京在住。

2023   「KUU」ふげん社、東京
2023   「Céleste (KUU)」 アンヌ・クレルグ・ギャラリー、アルル、フランス
2022   「Memories are like Dreams」好文画廊、東京 (企画:松柏社)
2022 「I and Thou」トーテムポールフォトギャラリー、東京 (企画:姜美善)

2022 「Truth is One」プレイスM、東京
2021   「Truth is One」角田山妙光寺、新潟
2021   「Truth is One」新潟絵屋、新潟 (2人展)

2021   「Truth is One」砂丘館、新潟
2020   「Dol/Dang (石/堂)」G&S 根雨、大阪 (企画:小田鮎子) 
2017   「よもぎ草子ーあなたはだれですか」 ルーニィ・レコメンドウォール、東京
2017   「I and Thou」 ギャラリー mu-an、長岡市

2016   「I and Thou」 アンヌ・クレルグ・ギャラリー、アルル、フランス
2016   「I and Thou」 ル・サロン・ドゥ・パンテオン、パリ、フランス
2016   「Alone Together」新潟絵屋、新潟市 (企画:石井仁志) 
2016   「よもぎ草子ーあなたはだれですか」 ギャラリーmu-an、長岡市
2015   「Alone Together」 Space 22 , ソウル, 韓国
2013   「Alone and Together」 ギャラリー冬青、東京
2008   「リアルライフ」 森岡書店、東京
2007   「そこであなたを見ていたの」 アダンオハナギャラリー、東京
2003   「中年ビューティ」 foo、東京
2003   「2歳の瞬間(とき)」 クレヨンハウス、東京
2002   「2歳の瞬間(とき)」 せたがや文化財団・生活工房、東京 (企画:P3)
2001   「I was born ソウル・パリ・東京」 好文画廊、東京
2000   「EXISTENCE – Erigeron canadensis」 モール、東京
2000   「EXISTENCE」 ギャラリートモス、東京

2020   フォトフェスティバル – プロムナードフォトグラフィク, ヴァンドーム, フランス
2017    Gelatin Silver Print, Space 22、ソウル、韓国
2017    フェスティバル・Regards d’ailleurs, オテル・ドュ・チャペル, ドルー、フランス

2015    フェスティバル・フォト・サンジェルマン、Ephémérides Coréennes, パリ、フランス
2015   「パリの写真集コンペティションのグランプリ受賞者作品展」 東京アーツギャラリー、東京
2015   「in)(between record vol.14、Shashin Book Award 2014」 in)(between gallery、パリ
2014     Photo Off – in)(between gallery、パリ

2022   『記憶のほとり』(エッセイ+写真)松柏社
2017   『Alone Together』(写真集)Noonbit写真家選 042、 Noonbit出版社、韓国

2014   『よもぎ草子ーあなたはだれですか』(写真集)窓社
2014   『Alone Together』(写真集)kaya books
2006   『月と太陽と詩と野菜』(長編小説) 角川春樹事務所
2006   「くらげ」(アンソロジー『ナナイロノコイ』 に収録) 角川春樹事務所
2004   『LOVE LAND』(詩+写真) PHP 研究所
2002   『いまここにいるよ』(エッセイ+写真)偕成社
2001   『I was born ソウル・パリ・東京』(エッセイ+写真)松柏社


미  연

서울출생. 파리사진학교 ICART PHOTO에서 사진전공. 1991년부터 도쿄 재주.
철학, 사상, 신앙등을 모티브로 작품을 만들고 있다.
일본 니이가타현 나가오카 조형대학 강사 (2015-2023). 

개인전 (기획전)
2023   ‘KUU’, 후겐사, 토쿄
2023   ‘Céleste (KUU)’ 안 크레르그 갤러리, 아를, 프랑스
2022   ’Memories are like Dreams’, 호문화랑, 토쿄

2022   ʻI and Thouʻ 토템 폴 포토 갤러리, 토쿄
2022  ‘Truth is One’ , Place M, 토쿄
2021  ‘Truth is One’ , Myoukouji Temple, 니이가타, 일본
2021  ‘Truth is One’ , 니이가타 에야 갤러리, 니이가타, 일본(2인전)
2021  ‘Truth is One’ 사큐관, 니이가타, 일본
2020   ‘돌 / 당’ , G&S 내우, 오사카
2017   ‘Yomogi Soshi – And who might you be?’ 갤러리 루니 레커멘드 월, 토쿄
2017   ʻI and Thouʻ 무앙갤러리, 나가오카, 일본
2016   ʻI and Thouʻ 안 크레르그 갤러리, 아를, 프랑스
2016   ʻI and Thouʻ 살롱 듀 빤떼용, 파리, 프랑스 
2016   ‘Alone Together’ 니이가타 에야 갤러리, 니이가타, 일본
2016   ‘Yomogi Soshi – And who might you be?’ 무앙 갤러리, 나가오카, 일본
2015   ‘Alone Togetherʻ  스페이스 22, 서울
2013   ‘Alone and Together’ 갤러리 토세이, 토쿄
2008   ʻ리얼라이프ʻ  모리오카쇼텡, 토쿄
2007   ʻI saw you thereʻ  아당오하나 갤러리, 토쿄
2003   ʻ중년뷰티ʻ  foo, 토쿄 2003   ‘2살의 순간’ 크레용하우스, 토쿄
2002   ‘2살의 순간’  세타가야 라이프 스타일 디자인 센터, 토쿄
2001   ʻI was born 서울・파리・동경’  호문화랑, 토쿄
2000   ‘EXISTENCE – Erigeron canadensis’  갤러리 몰, 토쿄
2000   ‘EXISTENCE’  갤러리 토모스, 토쿄

2022   『기억으노호토리 (기억의 기슭)』(수필+사진)  송학사, 일본
2017   『얼론 투게더』 (사진집), 눈빛사진가선 042, 눈빛출판사, 한국

2014   『Yomogi Soshi – And who might you be?』  (사진집) , 마도샤, 일본
2014   『Alone Together』 (사진집), kaya books. 일본
2006   『츠키 타이요 시 야사이/달과 태양과 시와 야채』(장편소설)카도카와하루키사무소, 일본
2006   「쿠라개」 ( 단편소설/ 앤솔로지 『나나이로노코이』 에수록 )  카도카와하루키사무소
              한국어번역서  「해파리」  ( 『일곱 빛깔 사랑』 에 수록 )  소담출판사, 한국
2004   『LOVE LAND』(시+사진)  PHP 연구소, 일본
2002   『이마 코코니 이루요/지금 여기 있어요』(수필+사진)  카이세이사, 일본
2001   『I was born  서울・파리・동경』(수필+사진)  송학사, 일본

2023    ‘AFFORDANCE’, KITAHAMA N GALLERY, Curated by Eunoia, 오사카
2020    포토 페스티벌 – 프롬나드 포토그래픽, 방돔, 프랑스

2017    Gelatin Silver Print, 스페이스 22, 서울
2017    페스티벌 Regards d’ailleurs, 차펠 드 오텔 듀, 도루, 프랑스
2015    페스티벌 포토 생제르망,  ‘Ephémérides Coréennes’, 파리 
2015    ʻShashin Book Award 2014ʻ, in)(between gallery, 파리
2015    ʻthe Grand Prize Winners of ShaShin Book Award in Parisʻ, tokyo arts gallery, 토쿄
2014     Photo Off –  in)(between gallery, 파리